End User
How to Modify Crystal Reports
1. Select Systems Setup, Report Setup and refer to the
How to Upload Reports section to complete this step.
2. Click the + on Guest Services.
3. Scroll down to Guest Manifest and select it from the
Current Reports List.
4. Write down the report title from the Report File Name
5. Run the following select statement from TOAD:
Select * from fidelio.rep where lower(rep_filename) =
6. There are three reports in Fidelio using this .rpt file:
1) Guest Manifest-Choose Nationality
2) Guest Manifest-Non US and
3) Guest Manifest
All three reports MUST be uploaded with the latest .rpt file. Refer to the How to Upload Reports section for instructions. The three reports are displayed in the Data Grid of the following TOAD screen.
7. Modify the Crystal Selection Formula to reflect any changes that
were needed in the Record Selection Formula from within the
Crystal Report .rpt file.